Why Stop Fearing Your Fearful Labradoodle Puppy?

Labradoodle Puppy – If you feel like you have a problem dog, then this article was written for you. Specifically, I’m going to tell you about the 6 main “buttons” that can help you overcome your fear of your fearful puppy or fear of dogs in general.

Now, before we even start to talk about these, you have to understand that you are not alone. Millions of people all over the country feel like they have a problem dog. The truth of the matter is that problem dogs exist everywhere. However, it’s just not normal for you to be dealing with this right now.

So, remember that feeling like you have a problem puppy or dog is not normal. There are solutions to these problems if you don’t think that’s a problem – like, a fear of dogs, for example.

The truth of the matter is that when a puppy or dog is brought home as a brand new puppy, they see it as an enemy. They are naturally fearful because they haven’t been exposed to anyone or anything like that.

So, one of the best ways to get past that is to expose your new puppy to as many new experiences as you possibly can. New people, different places, and new animals-all help with overcoming your fear of the future.

A friend of mine sends her kids to summertime swimming classes. One of her reasons for doing that is that one of the swimming classes that they take is an all-ages class and her kids are 12 and 13. Well, what does she have to say about that? She says that Swimming is a wonderful experience for the kids, and it’s just not the child who has to be afraid of the water anyway. It’s usually the parents who are afraid of the water.

Labradoodle Puppy – You see, what happens to a child who is afraid is that he or she will “bury” them. That is, they will freeze. You get to the point where you can’t get your child near water, and they are terrified of it. Many people say that this occurs because of the fear that the child will lose interest in going for a swim or bath, and that you simply can’t get that child interested in water any longer.

Here’s the truth: The fear-based reactions that you have about fear of water or the future aren’t based on the actual event that your dog encountered. Those are things you heard or read about your dog. Your dog doesn’t even know that he scared you. The real reason that he or she may be afraid is that they associated that water with their negative feelings. And, in their minds, they linked the water with you.

Labradoodle Puppy

* Find a dog-friendly lake. Look for small lakes, not big ones, and ones where you can get to by boat.

* When you’re ready to go out, get your dog out first.

* Use this second step for both people and dogs to get out of the water.

* When you get out to that lake, be sure that you’re going to be able to calm your dog down enough so that he or she doesn’t get over-excited and start paddling.

* And finally, because this is especially important, be sure to reward your dog with more positive attention when he or she does stay still and take a deep breath.

Labradoodle Puppy – Never reward the dog for barking by giving him or her a treat when you’re going to the lake. Not only does this give your dog more incentive to bark, but it’s the wrong idea for two reasons. One, it’s not often that a dog is around when they aren’t going to be fishing for a while, so you’re not going to get many “co deals” out of this one. Two, if you treat your dog like a fish, he or she may start thinking that since they see you near, it’s okay to bark. Think of it like this: if you went to the beach and read the paper, you’d be afraid to leave because there are a lot of strangers and there might even be some poses around. But, if you were allowed to go swimming, you’d be more relaxed because you didn’t have anything to fear.

There are some truly cruel “tricks” you can use to get a dog to bark, including threatening to hit them with a rolled-up newspaper, or(ouch!) having someone douse them.

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